阅读短文,回答问题。It's four o'clock in the afternoon .

    It's four o'clock in the afternoon . Mr Chen and his students are in the playground. They are having
a PE lesson.
Mr Chen: Boys and girls, let's do some exercise first.
Students : Yes, Mr Chen.
Mr Chen: Put your hands on your head and put your feet together. Jump up and down fifteen times.  
Ready, go !
Yang Li: Sorry , Mr Chen. I can't.
Mr Chen : What's wrong with you , Yang Li?
Yang Li: I've got a bad stomach ache.
Mr Chen: I'm sorry to hear that. Do you want to see a doctor?
Yang Li: No, I don't.
Mr Chen: OK. I can get a chair for you. You can sit over there and have a rest.
Yang Li: Thank you, Mr Chen.
Mr Chen: Not at all.  (to the other students) Boys and girls, let's go on with our lesson.
Students: OK.
1. Where are the students?
2. What are they doing?
3. Can Yang Li do any exercise?
4. What's the matter with her?
5. Does she want to see a doctor?

1. They are in the playground.         
2. They are having a PE lesson.  
3. No, she can't.                    
4. She's got a bad stomach ache.   
5. No, she doesn't.


