阅读下列短文,判断正(√)误(×)。SpearandShield Amanissellinghi

Spear and Shield
      A man is selling his spear and shield at the market. He is shouting loudly, " Come and look. The best spear and
the best shield in the world."
      Some people get together. He is very happy. He puts up his spear and says, " Look at my spear. It's very
sharp. It can pierce through any shield. " And then he puts up his shield, " Look at my shield. It's very hard. It
can stop any spear."
      And then someone asks him, " Then what will happen, if you pierce your shield with your spear? "
      The man is very embarassed and says nothing.
(     ) 1. The man is selling his spear and shield.
(     ) 2. Some people get together and the man is sad.
(     ) 3. Someone asks him, " How do you feel? "
(     ) 4. The man is very angry at last.

1. √  2. ×  3. ×  4. ×


