

I read a book in the summer, the most impressive is the kitten, puppy, silkworm and elephants, they each have their own ability.

He said the cat, it has a good ability to. When the dead of night, we slept soundly. Damned rats steal things out, the cat smell smell of mouse, relentless in its weapons -- sharp claws swiftly to catch mice.

The dog is man's best friend. It sat at the door all day, if a stranger into the house, the dog will bark called to strangers, to remind owners, there's someone in the house. The dog so keep faithful and true to the master, do not know how the thief away.

Silkworm ability is the more amazing! It eats is mulberry leaves, but can spit of white silk, for our precious silk, how brave and selfless silkworm!

The elephant appeared. With its nose high water, high nose spray water to the other side of the body, mutual help others to take a shower. Elephants also use their trunks to help humans to do many things move wood etc.. The elephant's diligence and solidarity spirit worth our learning.


