Unit 6 Whose dress is this?试卷练习


Unit 6 Whose dress is this?




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1. A: Whose                         is this?  B:             Yang Ling’s.

2. A:                                         is that?  B:             Liu Tao’s.

3. A:                                         are they?  B:              Tom’s.

4. A: Is the                             Gao Shan’s?    B:            , it is.


too long    whose gloves    my shorts     try this    your jacket    so funny

1. A: The coat is too big.     B:              , please.

2. A: Where are                ?    B: They are on the bag.

3. A: Her trousers are             .   B: Try those.

4. A:                are they?      B: They’re Tom’s.

5. A: Look at her gloves.             B: Oh, they are too small. She looks           .

6. A: Where’s             ?        B: It’s on the bed.


1. OK, but my coat is too big.

2. Mum, my jeans are too short.

3. Don’t worry. Here’s a jacket for you. Is it OK?

4. Oh, it’s nice. Thank you, Mum.

5. Not at all.

6. You can try this long pair.



A:           these your            ?

B: No, they           .

A: Look at them. They’re                    .

B: Yes, they’re my sister’s. I can’t find my skirt.

A:         the black trousers.

B: Great!             you.

A: Not at all.


Look at my bedroom. On the bed, that is my new dress. I like it very much. My shoes are under the bed. My jeans are on the chair. They’re old. They’re too small. I’d like a new pair. I have a new sweater from my mum. It’s lovely. It’s red and yellow. Where is it? Oh, it’s under my bed.

(    )1. My dress is on the chair.

(    )2. My shoes are too old and too small.

(    )3. My new sweater is orange.

(    )4. I’d like a new pair of jeans.

(    )5. I like the new sweater.


