
    (时间:100分钟  满分:100分)
    (  )1.A.cat         B.cute      c.can
    (  )2.A.mango        B. grape     c. pineapple
    (  )3.A.fourteen     B.fifteen    c.thirteen
    (  )4.A.basketball   B.football   c.table tennis
    (  )5.A.jump         B.skate      c. swim
    (  )6.A.funny        B.family     c.fat  
    (  )7.A.try          B.fly        c.hurry
    (  )8.A.look         B. good      c.book
    (  )9.A.like         B.lion       c.lovely
    (  )10.A.how much    B.how many   c.how long

  三、听录音,判断所听句子与下列句子是(T)否(F) 一致。(5分)
    (   )1.  Look at this elephant.1 like elephants.
    (   )2. Sam likes cakes,but Bobby likes pies.
    (  )3. Helen has some grapes,and Yang Ling has some pineapples.  
    (   )4. -How many toy cars do you have,Mike? -Eighteen.
    (  )5. Tom can play football,and Liu Tao can play basketball.
    1.A: ____ that in English?
   B: It's a ____
2.A: Is that your____?
       B:No,it isn't.
    3. A: Where's my crayon?
       B: Perhaps it's________the____case.
  (  )1.A.tiger       B.panda   C.horse       D.animal
  (  )2.A.basketball  B.ball    C. football   D.volleyball
  (  )3.A.sister      B.worker  C.farmer      D.teacher
  (  )4.A.peaches     B.bananasC.cars        D.pineapples
  (  )5.A.apple      B.oranges    C.grapes    D.watermelons
    (  )1. hot have    (  )2. pen bed    (  )3. cat kite
    (  )4. jump Jim    (  )5. good book   (  )6. fridge fly                (  )7.here where       ( )8. see meet
    (  )1.  Wang Bing likes____very much.
            A. horse    B.horses    C.a horse
    (  )2. - ____you have any stickers?
           - Yes,I____.
           A.   Are; do    B.Do;do    C.Do;are
    (  )3. -Is that____apple?
           -Yes,itis.It's____big apple.
           A.a;a    B.an;an    C.an;a
    (  )4. Happy Birthday____you!
           A.to    B.for    C.with
    (  )5. - ____ balls do you have?
           -I have twelve.
           A. How far    B.How much    C.How many
    (  )6. Look____my toy cars. They are nice.
           A.for    B.at    C.after
    (  )7. How many____  does Mike have?
           A. robot    B.robots    C.these robots
    (  )8.I have many crayons. What____you?
          A.about    B.for    C.and
    (  )9. Mike canplay____very well.
         A. footballs    B.football    C.the football
    (  )10. Do you like____?
         A. skate    B.skating    C.skates

  1. Yang Ling likes____(狗)very much.
  2.Let's____(制作)a fruit salad.
  3.Have a look at____(我们的)fruit salad.
  4.Su Hai likes  ____(芒果)very much.
  5.Look,we have____(十五个)toy animals.
  6.May I have a____(看)at your toy panda?
  7.Here's a____(玩具)bike for you.
  1. he's  in  perhaps  bedroom  the(.)
  2. the  dog  can  very jump high(?)

  3.a  is  cat  that  nice(.)
  4. can  play  Alice  the  piano  well  very(.)
  5. is  her toy  that  train  perhaps(.)
    This is a picture of Sue's family.  Sue is a student.  She is in a red dress. Her coat is blue. The man in a white shirt is Sue's father,Mr Black. He's a taxi driver. The woman is Sue's mother,Mrs Black. She has a brown hat. The boy is Sue's brother, Jim.  He is in a blue jacket and black trousers.
  (      )1.  Sue's coat is ____
         A. white           B. blue            C.yellow
  (     )2.   Sue's father is a   ____.
         A. policeman     B. taxi  driver    C. car river        (     )3. Sue's mother has a ____hat.
         A. white           B. brown       C yellow  (      )4.  Sue is Jim's____.
          A.friend          B. brother          C. sister
  (      )5.  Jim is in a ____jacket.
          A. black           B. red             C. blue
    (hungry an after for dinner)

    1   school,Dan was hungry. x
  He told his mom," Mom,I'm   2   . Can I have a snack (点心) ?"
  " OK," his mom said.  "I'll make a hot dog   3    you."
  Dan ate it. But he was still hungry. He ate   4    egg and a peach. He was still hungry. Then ate some grapes(葡萄) and some strawberries(草莓).  He was not hungry any more.
Then his mom said," Dan,come to the table. It's time for  5  ."


