Unit 4 Then and nowStory time我尝试1. 略2. 那时,广播,电子书,电话,新闻,办公室,以前,报纸3. 略我交流1. Mike, Mr Brown, Mike’s grandpa, Mrs Brown2. A C D E3. (1) F(2) T(3) F(4) T(5) T我运用1. 略2. an e-book, a newspaper, a radio, a telephone, a TV, a mobile phone3. used, has, listened, read, reads and watches, reads, made, has, bought, does脱口秀略Grammar time我尝试1. could-can, wrote-write, bought—buy, listened—listen2. 略我交流1. 略2. (1) writing (2) went (3) read (4) listens (5) showed我运用1. 略2. (1) C(2) B(3) C(4) D脱口秀略Fun time我尝试1~2. 略3. couldn’t, wrote, brought, made, ate, caught, took, saw, flew, was, danced, laughted我交流略我运用1. (1) at his office (2) five years ago,颐和园 (3)One year ago, 手机 (4) 全世界 (5) reads newspaper, likes reading2. (1) Three years ago, they could not read e-books.(2) We have e-friends from all over the world.(3) Mike wrote an email to me last Tuesday.脱口秀略Sound time & Culture time我尝试略我交流1~2. 略3. could, did, went, became, were, was, lived, got, shouted, pointed, walked, liked我运用1. (1)√ (2)× (3)√ (4)×2. was, went, listened to, radio, is, goes, reads, has3. (1) E(2) D(3) A(4) C(5) F脱口秀略Cartoon time我尝试1~2. 略3. E F C A D我交流1. 略2. (1) C(2) C(3) A3. (1) No, they don’t. (2) He is looking out of the window (3) Yes, he c  |