Test for Units l & 2AListen and write 1 Dd 2 Bb3 Aa4 Gg5Ff6 Ee(1 Dd 2 Bb 3 Aa 4 Gg 5 Ff 6 Ee)BListen and circle 1 Good morning, Liu Tao. 2 Good afternoon, Mike. 3 Hi, I’m Su Hai.4 I’m not Miss Zhang. I’m Miss Li.(1 b 2 a 3 b 4 a)CListen and number 1 Good morning, class. 2 Goodbye, Sam. 3 Hello, Bobby. 4 Good afternoon, Mike. 5 Are you John? 6 No, I’m not. I’m Miss Li.(3 5 1 2 4 6)DListen and choose 1 Good afternoon. 2 Good morning. 3 Are you Helen? 4 Hello, Bobby. 5 Goodbye, Tim.6 Hi, Mike.(1 b 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 a 6 a)EListen and number 1 B& G: Hi, Mike. B: Hi. 2 A: Good morning, Yang Ling. B:Good morning, Su Hai. 3 A: Good afternoon,  |