Unit 5 SignsStory time我尝试1. 略 2. D A E B C 3. C A D B F E我交流1. C D B A2. (1) It means the floor is wet. (2) It means you can’t litter here. (3) No, we can’t. (4) No, we can’t.我运用1. 略2. shopping centre, floor, wet, juice, litter, eat, drink, smoking, smoke3. (1) sign, does, mean, means, floor, wet (2) does, mean, can’t, litter脱口秀 略Grammar time我尝试 略我交流1. (1) B(2) C(3) A2. 请勿吸烟,请勿乱扔垃圾,请勿停车,请勿饮食我运用1. It means the floor is wet. What does it mean?2. does, mean, take photos脱口秀略Fun time我尝试1. 略 2. C B A我交流(1) eat or drink(2) pick flowers(3) The floor is wet(4) litter我运用1. (1) The signs means we can't climb the tree.(2) “No swimming.” means you can't swim here. (3) The signs in the park means you can't pick flowers .[in park可放在句中也可放在句末]2. (1) mean, park (2) sign, floor, careful (3) shopping centre脱口秀略Sound time & Culture time我尝试1. 略 2. UK, US我交流 略我运用1. (1)√(2)√(3)√(4)×(5)×(6)√2. (1)underground, (2)subway, (3)do, (4)does, means, park, (5)smoking3. (1)It means you can't eat or drink.(2)No, we can't.(3)underground脱口秀略Cartoon time我尝试1~2. 略 3.B C A我交流1. (1) They are in the forest.(2) He feels tired and hungry.(3) He is looking for his bananas.(4) It means they can’t eat bananas in the forest.2. (1) T(2) F(3) T(4) T我运  |