Unit 7 Protect the EarthStory time我尝试1~2 略3.(1) B (2) F (3) A (4)C (5) E (6) D (7)H (8) I我交流1.(1) B D E(2) G2.(1) B (2) C (3) A (4)B3.略我运用1.(1) water, not much water, reuse, save(2)coal, oil, drive, a lot of(3)tables, chairs, other things(4)bags, bottles too much, bad2.(1) Most of our energy comes from coal and oil.(2)Too much plastic is bad for the Earth.(3)We should not drive so much because cars use a lot of energy.3.(1) use, too much, bad, paper , glass(2)useful, not much, should not, reuse, save(3)dirty, messy, a lot of, can not脱口秀略Grammar time我尝试1~2. 略3.许多其它的东西,开车太多,太多的塑料袋,砍太多的树我交流1.略2.(1)use(2) make(3) many我运用1.(1) B (2) B (3) A2.(1) use, drink water, (2) should put, in脱口秀略Fun time我尝试1~2. 略3.paper, Earth, oil我交流1~2. 略我运用1.(1) C(2) A(3) E (4) F (5) G2.(1)waste, save, reuse(2) paper, car (3) much(4) drive, oil脱口秀略Sound time &Culture time我尝试1~2. 略3.go to school, in the classroom, everyday afternoon, 玩的开心,地球日,世界环境日我交流略我运用1.2.略脱口秀略Cartoon time我尝试1~2. 略3.(1) D (2) E (3) A (4)F (5) B (6) C我交流1. 2 3 4 12.(1) A (2) C (3) B (4)C (5) A3.(1) They are doing a project. (2) Sam  |