Unit 8 Chinese New YearStory time我尝试1.略2.(1) D (2) F (3) C (4)A (5) H (7) B (8)G (9) E3.(1) A (2) A (3) B我交流1~2.略3.some new clothes, food, some cakes, tangyuan,have dinner, some flowers, red packets, a lion dance, fireworks4.T T F F T5、6.略7.Chinese New Year excited flowers make some cakes tangyuan have dinner red packets watch fireworks我运用1、2.略脱口秀略Grammar time我尝试1.a lion dance, buy flowers, buy new clothes, dinner, tangyuan2.略我交流1.略2.we are, She is, They are, He is3~4. 略我运用1.(1)firecrackers,(2)舞狮,(3)fireworks,(4)除夕夜,(5)red packets,(6)吃晚饭2.(1) What are you going to do on Chinese New Year’s Eve?(2)It’s going to be Chinese New Year next week.(3)My family and I are going to buy some new clothes and food.3.(1) is, buy some flowers(2)is, He is(3)are, They are, watch a lion dance(4)are, we are, watch fireworks4.略脱口秀略Fun time & Soundtime我尝试略我交流略我运用1.Mid-Autumn Festival, Halloween, Chinese New Year, Christmas2.略3.(1)√(2)×(3)√(4)√4.(1)吃大餐(2)买一棵圣诞树(3)赏月(4)吃月饼(5)举办生日派对(6)春节5.Christmas, excited, I'm going to buy a Christmas tree, How are you going to decarate the Chrismas tree ?I'm going to put some beautiful stars and presents on it. have a big dinner6.(1) C (2) B (3) B (4)A (5) C7.(1) B (2) D (3) B (4)B (5) B脱口秀略Culture time我尝试1.略2.(1) C (2) B (3) D (4)A我交流1.A B D2.(1) Christmas(2) Chinese New Year(3) very important我运用1.the most important, festival, Spring Festival, Thanksgiving, the US  |