Unit 1 Cinderella试卷

  Class__________      Name__________      Mark__________
(    ) 1.A prince              B. king              C. fairy
(    ) 2. because              B. before            C. between
(    ) 3. A. bathroom          B. mushroom         C. washroom
(    ) 4. A. pick              B. put               C. park
(    ) 5. A. have to            B. get on            C. take off
(    ) 6. A. why              B. when             C. where
(    ) 7. A. be late for         B. be good for         C. be bad for
(    ) 8. A. so bad            B. so happy           C. so nice
(    ) 9. A. try on             B. put on             C. turn on
(    )10. A. go home          B. come home         C. get home

(    ) 1. A. I’m sorry.           B. Thank you            C. I know.
(    ) 2.A. Yes, I do.            B. No, they don’t.        C. No, we don’t.
(    ) 3.A. My father.           B. My mother’s.          C. My parents.
(    )4. A. Because I’m ill.       B. At the prince’s house.   C. OK.
(    )5. A. Yes, they are.         B. No, they aren’t.        C. Yes, there are.

1. _________ are you so happy?        2. Cinderella ________  ________ the shoes.
3. I _________  _________ go to school now.     4. Liu Tao is _______  _______ his coat.
5. _________ me help you.            6. _________ he is ill.
7. I want to buy some new _________.

(    ) 1. A. young        B. house         C. count
(    ) 2. A. schools       B. Smith         C. words
(    ) 3. A. now          B. snow         C. brown
(    ) 4. A. hundred       B. tree          C. strawberry
(    )5. A. dragon        B. driver         C. tree

1.He is __________(have) a drink.
2.She _________(like) ________(read) fairy stories.
3.Do you have__________(some) apples?
4.Come and help___________( I )
5.Let _________(our) go to the party.
6.Where__________(be) my socks?
7.Helen __________(come) home at four thirty.
8.Those shoes are_____________(Liu Tao).
9.I ____________(do not) have any nice clothes or shoes.


1.leave…behind__________________ 6. 在8点前回来_____________________________________
2.What a pity!____________________ 7. 脱下他的外套_____________________________________
3.some mushrooms under a tree_______________   8. 试穿这件连衣裙________________________
4.be bad for_______________________________   9. 不得不回家____________________________
5.at the prince’s house_______________________  10.在在森林里____________________________

(    )1. --______ are you happy today?  ---_________ it’s my birthday today.
A. Why, Because       B. What, So       C. What, Because
(    )2. They are __________ Mrs White’s house.
A of        B. at       C. on
(    )3. Nancy __________ play the piano every evening.
A .have to      B. has to       C. haves to
(    )4. Please _________, Liu Tao.
         A. try on it         B. try it on       C. tries it on
(    ) 5. The T-shirt doesn’t _________ me at all.
         A. fit          B. fits         C. fit to
(    )6. She can’t _________ school today, because she’s ill.
         A. comes      B. comes to      C. come to
(    )7. I don’t have any brothers_________ sisters.
A. and        B. or        C. with
(    )8. Mike is _________ a book in the classroom.
         A. reading        B. reads       C. read
(    )9. Why _______ Nancy buy a book?
A. do            B. is          C. does
(    )10.The food is bad. We can’t eat_________.
         A. them          B. it          C. us

1. I can see a fairy in the sky.(对划线部分提问)     
_________  ________  _________  ________ in the sky?
2. I’m trying on some clothes in the shop. (对划线部分提问)
________  ________  ________  ________ in the shop?
3. This shirt fits me well.(改为否定句)   
This shirt_________ __________ me.
4. Many girls try on the shoe. (对划线部分提问)
_________  _________ many girls try on?
5.Cinderella has a god time at the party.(改为一般疑问句)
_________ Cinderella ________ a good time at the party?
6. I put on the new clothes and shoes.(用Nancy替换 I改写句子)
     Nancy _________  ________ the new clothes and shoes.
6.Liu Tao has to come back at five o’clock. (对划线部分提问)
________  ________  ________ Liu Tao ________ to come back?

1.----你为什么喜欢冬天?  ---因为我喜堆雪人和去滑冰。
---_______ do you _______  _______?   ---- _________ I can make ________ and go ________.
2.----为什么刘涛关上窗户?   ---因为他冷。
---Why _______ Liu Tao _______ the window?   --- ________ he is very ________.
3.----我的钢笔在哪?  ---在桌上。
---__________ are my pens?    --- _________  on the desk.
4.–这是谁的夹克衫?  --是海伦的。
---__________ jacket is this?    --- It’s _________.
5.这些零食对我们有害。    These snacks ________  _________  _________  _________
6. 它看上去如漂亮。   It__________ so __________.

LiuT ao:    Hi, Wang Bing. Women’s Day ____1____. Shall we buy a card ___2___ Miss Li?
Wang Bing:  _____3____ don’t we make one?
Liu Tao:    That’s a good idea. Let’s make it____4____
Wang Bing:  All right. We ____5____ a pen, some ____6____and crayons.
Liu Tao :   Here you are.
Wang Bing: Great! We can start. Draw some flowers ___7___ the paper first.
Liu Tao:    Can I draw a ____8___ animal near the flowers? Miss Li ___9___ animals.
Wang Bing: OK. Don’t forget ___10___ write “Happy Women’s Day, Miss Li!”
(    ) 1. A. come            B. is coming          C. comes
(    ) 2. A. for              B. to                C. from
(    ) 3. A. What            B. Which             C. Why
(    ) 4. A. all              B. together            C. and
(    ) 5. A. need            B. like                C. buy
(    )6. A. papers           B. piece of papers       C. pieces of paper
(    ) 7. A. in              B. at                  C. on
(    ) 8.A. like             B. lovely               C. love
(    )9. A. like             B. liking               C. likes
(    )10. A. to              B. and                C. or

十一.阅读理解(10%)A 判断正误,用T, F 表示
Today is Sunday. All of us go to school early, but we have no classes. Our teachers are going to take us to the zoo. We take buses there. We get there at nine thirty. How beautiful the zoo is! There are many trees, some hills and a big lake. It’s spring now, so the flowers are coming out. There are many people there too. We like to watch monkeys. They are playing on the hills or having oranges, bananas and apples. We are having a good time there. We leave the zoo at three in the afternoon.
(    ) 1. The students get to the zoo in the morning.
(    ) 2. The students have lunch at home.
(    ) 3. The students go to the zoo because today is Saturday and they have no classes.
(    ) 4. The students stay in the zoo for four hours.
(    ) 5. The students go to the zoo by bus.
Do you know there are two kinds of football games? One is American football, and the other is soccer. In China many young men like playing soccer. It is very popular. But the Chinese don’t call it soccer. We call it football. There are eleven players on a team. And the ball is round. Only the goalkeeper can touch the ball with his hands. The other players can’t touch the ball with their hands. In America, soccer is not round. It is like a big egg. There are also eleven players on a team. All the players can touch the ball with feet and hands.
(    ) 1. How many kinds of football games are there?
         A. Three         B. Two       C. Four
(    ) 2. Do the Chinese like playing soccer?
         A. Yes, they do.     B. No, they don’t.      C. We don’t know.
(    ) 3. What do the American people like very much?
         A. Playing American football     B. Playing soccer     C. Watching TV
(    ) 4. How many players are there on a soccer team?
         A. Eight       B. Twenty-two        C. Eleven
(    ) 5. What’s the shape of the American football?
         A. Round        B. Egg       C. Oval

 一. 听录音,选出你所听到的内容(10%)
1.The prince is a tall young man.
2.Please sit well before class.
3.There is a washroom in the park.
4.I’ll pick you up on my way home.
5.Don’t get on the bus until it stops.
6.Where are my gloves?
7.Don’t be late for the party.
8.Why do they look so happy?
9.Turn on the TV for me, please.
10.Let’ go home together after school.

1.You are late, Bobby.
2.Do these shoes fit you?
3.Who puts the presents under the tree?
4.Why can’t you go to the party?
5.Are there any mushrooms in the forest?
Keys:   A BA A C

三. 听录音,完成句子(10%)
1. __Why_______ are you so happy?        
2. Cinderella ____puts____  ____on____ the shoes.
3. I ____have_____  ____to_____ go to school now.     
4. Liu Tao is ___taking____  ____off___ his coat.
5. ____Let_____ me help you.            
6. _____Because____ he is ill.
7. I want to buy some new ____clothes_____.


