Readandanswer. 阅读短文,回答问题。 MikeisastudentofClassFi

Read and answer. 阅读短文,回答问题。
         Mike is a student of Class Five, Grade Four. This morning he is late  again. He gets up at 7:00, and goes
to school at 8: 20. He says to his teacher, "Sorry,  I am .late." "Oh, you are late again." says the teacher. "It's
not my fault. Miss Li." says Mike, "My grandma doesn't put books in my bag. There are some apples, bananas
and oranges in it. On my way to school, I remember this. So I go back home and get my books".  
1. What Class and Grade is Mike in?
2. Is Mike late this morning?  
3. What time does Mike go to school?
4. Who is Mike's teacher?

1. He is in Class Five, Grade Four.    2. Yes, he is.    3. At 8:20.    4. Miss Li


